기사 메일전송

Seoul, South Korea - Renowned hanbok designer Kim Jeong-ah hosted her "Our Clothes" hanbok fashion show on May 9th at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) Fashion Mall on the 5th floor. The event was particularly notable as it coincided with the inauguration ceremony of Shin Hyun-ok as the new chairperson of the Mugunghwa Hanbok Art Group. 

The fashion show featured a series of themes, including "Enchanted by Colorful Stripes," "The Essence of Wonsam," "Spring! Sprouting New Beginnings," "Hanbok in Mugunghwa," "Ah! Korea," and "Becoming the Flower of the Universe." Each theme showcased the beautiful facets of traditional hanbok reinterpreted with modern sensibilities. 

Additionally, the event was graced with a speech by Kim Ho-il, chairman of the National Association of Seniors, who congratulated Chairperson Shin Hyun-ok on her inauguration and emphasized the importance of preserving and advancing hanbok culture. Chairman Kim stated, "The hanbok is a beautiful traditional and cultural asset of our country, and it is crucial to continue nurturing and developing this heritage. The efforts of Chairperson Shin and Designer Kim will greatly contribute to the globalization of the hanbok." 

"Our Clothes" hanbok fashion show is gaining significant attention both domestically and internationally for its contemporary reinterpretation of Korean traditional attire. This show not only preserved the aesthetic values of traditional hanbok but also integrated modern design elements, presenting new possibilities for hanbok. 

Designer Kim Jeong-ah expressed her hope, stating, "I want to convey the deep meanings and beauty embedded in hanbok to a broader audience." This event, combining a fashion show and an inauguration ceremony, successfully merged traditional values with modern interpretations and is expected to serve as a crucial stepping stone for hanbok to reach a wider global audience.

  • 기사등록 2024-05-13 20:14:53
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