기사 메일전송
on the Occasion of the 60th National day of the united Republic of Tanzania and the 32th Anniversary of Tanzania-korea Diplomatic relations - Tanzania Celebrates 60 Years of Independence and 32 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Korea at JW Marriott Hotel, Seoul
  • 기사등록 2024-04-28 21:38:57
  • 기사수정 2024-04-28 22:15:36

on the Occasion of the 60th National day of the united Republic of Tanzania and the 32th Anniversary of Tanzania-korea Diplomatic relations.

       Ambassador Togolani Edriss Mavura congratulatory speech

Seoul, South Korea - The Tanzanian Embassy in Seoul hosted a grand celebration at the JW Marriott Hotel to mark 60 years of the Republic of Tanzania’s independence and 32 years of diplomatic relations with South Korea. The event served as a platform to celebrate and further strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two nations. 

The ceremony was inaugurated with a vibrant opening speech by Tanzanian Ambassador "Togolani Edriss Mavura" highlighting the enduring and evolving relationship between the two countries. “The sustained development of our bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties has been the foundation of the peace and prosperity we enjoy today,” Ambassador Mabula emphasized in his welcome address 

Dignitaries from Tanzania and Korea, including ambassadors, government officials, business leaders, and figures from academia and culture, attended the event. The ceremony featured traditional Tanzanian music and dance performances, initiating a cultural exchange that set the tone for the evening. A Tanzanian fashion show further showcased the rich cultural heritage of Tanzania, blending tradition with contemporary fashion. 

The event also included speeches from key Korean figures such as Kim Byung-kwan, Chairman of the Korea Importers Association, and Kwon Ki-hwan, the Mofa Deputy Minister of Maltilateral and Global Affairs. Their addresses underscored the significance of the ongoing partnership between the two nations. 

The celebration continued with discussions on the history and future directions of bilateral relations, alongside a business forum and networking session aimed at exploring economic cooperation opportunities. The shared cultural and economic activities underscored the commitment to deepening ties and fostering mutual understanding. 

As the event concluded, Ambassador Mabula reflected on the future, expressing optimism and commitment to ongoing support and understanding between the two nations. “We will continue to support and understand each other as we strive for a brighter future together,” he stated. 

This commemorative event not only celebrated decades of friendship and cooperation between Tanzania and Korea but also set the stage for future collaborations across various sectors, including cultural exchanges, investment attraction, and tourism development. 

The lively and spirited Tanzanian dances, known for their energetic and mesmerizing moves, captivated all attendees, embodying the joyous spirit of the celebration. 

Once again, we hope for continued cultural exchange, investment, and tourism industry growth between Tanzania and Korea, further strengthening this fruitful relationship.

  • 기사등록 2024-04-28 21:38:57
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