기사 메일전송
Chairman Abdirov's Visit to Korea: Strengthening Electoral Cooperation
  • 기사등록 2024-04-22 21:06:59
  • 기사수정 2024-04-22 21:11:44

     누를란 압디로프 (Nurlan Abdirov) 카자흐스탄 중앙 선거 관리 위원회(CEC) 위원장이 서울국제선거포럼(SIFE)에 참석하여 발표


Nurlan Abdirov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Kazakhstan, visited Seoul on April 4-12, 2024, to participate in the Seoul International Forum on Elections (SIFE), observe parliamentary elections and meet his counterpartners. His visit underscored Kazakhstan's commitment to enhancing electoral processes through bilateral cooperation and knowledge exchange.

  누를란 압디로프 (Nurlan Abdirov) 카자흐스탄 중앙 선거 관리 위원회(CEC) 위원장이 노태악 중앙선거관리위원회(NEC) 위원장과 양자 회담 


He also held a bilateral meeting with Dr. Noh Tae-ak, Chairman of the National Election Commission (NEC) of Korea. During the talks, Chairman Abdirov expressed a keen interest in exchange of experience, particularly in the areas of election organization, voter participation, and technological innovation.

 누를란 압디로프 (Nurlan Abdirov) 카자흐스탄 중앙 선거 관리 위원회(CEC) 위원장이 장인식 세계선거기관협의회 (A-WEB)의 사무총장과 양자 회담 

Moreover, Chairman Abdirov had a bilateral meeting with Secretary-General Dr. Jang of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB). Their conversation was focused on avenues for enhanced international cooperation in the electoral sphere, emphasizing the importance of joint research and knowledge sharing among electoral institutions worldwide.

               누를란 압디로프 (Nurlan Abdirov) 카자흐스탄 중앙 선거 관리 위원회(CEC) 위원장이 국회 선거를 관찰 

 At the Seoul International Forum on Elections, Chairman Abdirov delivered remarks highlighting Kazakhstan's recent constitutional reform, electoral system transformation, and the country's commitment to democratic principles and adherence to international standards.


Overall, Chairman Abdirov reaffirmed Kazakhstan's unwavering dedication to advancing electoral integrity and democratic values through continued collaboration with international partners such as South Korea.


  • 기사등록 2024-04-22 21:06:59
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