기사 메일전송

     Choi Jin-young, President of HERALD media Group

On May 23, 2024, the "Africa Day 2024 Business Forum" was successfully held at the Swiss Grand Hotel Convention Center in Seoul's Seodaemun district. This forum aimed to strengthen economic cooperation between Korea and African countries, bringing together numerous economic experts and key figures for in-depth discussions.

    H.E. Carlos Victor B0ungou, Dean of AGA, Gabon Amb to korea

Opening Addresses and Congratulatory Remarks

The forum commenced with opening addresses by Choi Jin-young, CEO of Korea Herald Media Group, and Carlos Victor Boungou, Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps in Korea and Ambassador of Gabon. 

     Jang Young-jin, Chairman and President of Korea Trade Insurance Corporation  

This was followed by congratulatory remarks from Jeong In-kyo, Deputy Minister for Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, who emphasized the importance of economic cooperation between Korea and Africa.

    Chung In-kyo, Trade Minister of Re[ublic of korea

Keynote Speech

The keynote speech on "The Future of Korea-Africa Economic Cooperation" was delivered by Jang Young-jin, President of Korea Trade Insurance Corporation. He presented the current status and future vision of the economic partnership between Korea and Africa.

   Moderator;H,E, kais Darragi, Tunisia Amb. to korea

    H,E kaled Abdel Rahman, Egyptian Amb.to korea

      Hong Soon-young, Vice President of Export-lmport Bank of korea

   Lee Kwang-bok, Director of korea Overseas Infrastructure

   Kim young-sang, Director of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency

    Prof. Chammah Judex kaunda, Yonsei University, Institute of African Studies

Panel Discussion

The first session focused on "Opportunities and Challenges in the African Market," moderated by Kais Darragi, the Tunisian Ambassador to Korea. The panel discussion included notable participants: Khaled Abdel Rahman, Egyptian Ambassador to Korea; Emikips Oyi, Kenyan Ambassador to Korea; Hong Soon-young, Vice President of the Export-Import Bank of Korea; Professor Shammah Judex Gaounda from Yonsei University; Lee Kwang-bok, Director at Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation; and Kim Young-sang, Team Leader at Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency. They explored the potential and challenges of the African market from various perspectives.

    Kim Hong-kyun, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of korea

Celebration Performances and Special Session

The second part of the event featured celebration performances by the Africa Dance Company-TAGG and the Little Angels Art Troupe, with their ensemble and traditional fan dance receiving great applause from the attendees.

    Chung Won-ju, Chairman of Herald Media Group, Daewoo E&C, Korea Housing            Builders Association

Following this, there were congratulatory remarks from Kim Hong-kyun, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Jung Won-joo, Chairman of Herald Corporation, Daewoo Engineering & Construction, and the Korea Housing Builders Association. 

They highlighted the roles of government and private sectors in enhancing cooperation with Africa. 

After a commemorative photo session, a special session titled "Future Aspirations of Korea-Africa Young Talents" was held, where youth from both regions shared their hopes and visions for future cooperation.

          The Little Angels 

              African Dance Company-TAGG

Closing and Farewell

The event concluded with a final celebration performance by the Africa Dance Company-TAGG, followed by a dinner and closing remarks. The forum ended on a high note, with attendees expressing optimism about the future of Korea-Africa economic cooperation and the opportunities for mutual growth discussed during the event.

  • 기사등록 2024-05-26 22:30:02
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